
10 March, 2014

The Great World Cup Goals, #3: Giovanni Van Bronckhorst (Holland) vs Uruguay, 2010 (Video)

By Chris Wright

Giovanni van Bronckhorst captained Holland throughout their run at the 2010 World Cup in South Africa, receiving an election into the Order of Orange-Nassau and letters after his name for his troubles, with the highlight of the veteran left-back’s tournament undoubtedly being his outrageous goal to open the scoring against Uruguay in the semi-finals – the penultimate game of his professional career (the less said about his final game, the better).

With just 18 minutes played, the ball wound up at Van Bronckhorst’s feet in a seemingly fairly innocuous position some 40 yards out from goal over on the left-hand side.

With everybody expecting a deep cross to be delivered as Gio wound up, it was at this point that the then-35-year-old unleashed an absolute Exocet of a shot past Fernando Muslera to put Holland 1-0 up, leaving the Uruguayan ‘keeper nursing a pair of lightly scorched gloves in the process…


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