
19 March, 2014

38 Maps They Didn’t Teach You At School (Part II)

When we collected a list of 40 maps that you never would have seen in school, you guys totally loved them, so we’re back with more. If maps are one of the main ways that we understand the world we live in (and how people elsewhere in the world live), then it’s no surprise that people are always coming up with new ways to use them to display information.Every single one of these maps reveals different fun and interesting facts, from which we can make some interesting inferences. There’s usually no better way to illustrate the economic, social and cultural differences between different parts of the world than by displaying them on a map.However, it’s also important not to jump to conclusions – whether a country ranks well or poorly in a particular metric can be due to a whole number of factors, some of which we understand and some of which we don’t. Information without context should be taken with a grain of salt.So, have you ever wondered where in the world the most and least photos are taken? How is the human population or economic production distributed across the globe? These maps – some of which are new and some of which are old favorites – answer questions like these in an intuitive way.If you like what you see, check out the rest of our thought-provoking map-related posts as well. Do you know of any cool maps that we haven’t seen before?NOTE: Studies like these, while entertaining or interesting, are not always 100% accurate. Leading questions and limited sample sizes are just a few of the data gathering problems that could be present in maps like these.

Earth’s Seasons
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Happiness Map
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How Many Beers Will Minimum Wage Get You In Europe?
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Hottest And Sexiest Women By Country
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The Most Photographed Places In The World
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People In The EU, Aged 25-34, Who Still Live With Their Parents
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Where To Be Born Index
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The World Divided Into Regions With A GDP of 1 Trillion Dollars
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Google Autocomplete Results: Europe
 Image credits: Randal Olson

Google Autocomplete Results: USA
 Image credits: Randal Olson

Google Autocomplete Results: Asia
 Image credits: system637

Educational Backgrounds of World Leaders
 ENLARGE     Image credits:

The World Divided Into Seven Regions, Each with a Population of One Billion
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More People Live Inside This Circle Than Outside Of It
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How The World Would Look If Mapping Conventions Were Flipped Upside-Down
 Because orienting north toward the top is a matter of convention rather than correctness, a south-up map is technically just as correct as north-up. Maps with different orientations have appeared in several cultures and time periods. The convention of orienting north to the top (and thus east to the right) was probably established by the astronomer Ptolemy. [1] Image credits: unknown

Highest-Paid U.S. Public Employees By State
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2% of Australia’s Population Lives In This Region
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Birthright Citizenship Around the World
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Most-Popular Type Of Alcoholic Beverage
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Greatest And Lowest Racial Tolerance By Country
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Metal Bands Per 100,000 People
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Cigarettes Smoked Per Person
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Monarchies in the World
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Global Distribution Of Atheists
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Countries Ranked By Emotional Tendencies
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Where People Feel The Most And Least Loved
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Europe vs USA: Sunshine Duration In Hours Per Year
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Lactose Intolerance
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The Most Popular Countries In The World To Visit
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The Most-Listened-To Artist In Every U.S. State
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Red Hair Map of Europe
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Average Breast Sizes By Country
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Map of Countries Officially Not Using the Metric System
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Penis Size Worldwide
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Every Country England Has Ever Invaded (all but 22 countries in the world)
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The Most Famous Brand From Each State In The U.S.
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The World According to Americans
The World According to Americans

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