
03 September, 2014

Top10s Animals Fail Gif vol.2

Oopsy daisy

Oh yeah, that's how I roll when I have a bowl of food stuck on my face

David Beckham would not approve

 "You were supposed to catch me!"

Jump fail

Hard decision - either take the stick with you or go in alone for a yummy dinner

Totally missed that one

Doesn't it suck when a mirror gets in the way

Shouldn't have had that extra bowl of treats for lunch

The butterfly effect in full swing

 Suzy got more than she bargained for at the aquarium

Haters gonna hate

Poor little kid, at the wrong time at the wrong place

Tommy's so excited, he misses


Ah oh, is my friend ok?

Oh no, you didn't

Bye bye birdie

Spinning out of control

Slidding down the roof top

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