
08 March, 2014

The 14 Funniest Animated Soccer Gifs

Unlike 80% of the world, I don’t follow soccer. I know that certain moms are associated with it, there isn’t a lot of scoring, and there’s some kind of World Series Supercup of Foot Soccer going on right now. GO USA! I do, however follow animated gifs, and I came across some animated soccer gifs that the soccer layperson might find humorous. On the other hand, they may just be how the game is normally played. There’s no way to tell. Here now are the 14 Funniest Animated Soccer Gifs.

14.Guy Scores On Own Goal With His Own Face
Even I know that this is discouraged.

13. Good Game…NOT
I wonder if this kid was taught this move, or if he came up with it on his own? He could be some kind of douchebag prodigy.

12. Goalie Fail
I don’t know much about tending goal (not a euphemism), but I don’t think it’s supposed to work like this.

11. Ankle Fake
I’m guessing this dude was wasn’t completely honest about the extent of his ankle injury. NOT BUYING IT, SOCCER DUDE.

10. Mario Slide Tackle
Clearly, this is why Italy won the World Cup in 2006.

9. Awesome Save
Is this especially hilarious? No. It is, however, especially awesome. I think all goalies should be required to make saves like this. Pay attention, guy from #12.

8. Headbutt Fake
I like to imagine this isn’t a guy badly faking getting headbutt, but instead it is the beginning to an awesome breath mint ad.

7. Bulge of Existentialism
I featured this gif of Cristiano Ronaldo on my list of the 15 Funniest Sorts Animated Gifs, and with good cause. There’s something about that boner that makes you question EVERYTHING.

6. Double Fake Headbutt
I guess the lesson of this list is that everyone involved in soccer is really into faking injuries.

5. I Just Want To Be Friends
This is pretty much every 2nd date for me. (Note, I’m rejected on these dates by GIRLS, not professional British soccer players. I just want to clear that up)

4. Worst Miss Ever
It’s ok if you miss the ball sometimes, but this guy is really calling attention to it.

4. Worst Miss Ever
It’s ok if you miss the ball sometimes, but this guy is really calling attention to it.

2. Celebratory Dong Munch
If this is what happens when you get a goal, it’s no wonder soccer games have such low scores.

1. Face Save
Soccer would be a lot more popular if it had more children getting punched in the face with sports equipment.

Honorable Mention:  Hot Off The Wires! Breaking Gif!
I’ve been told this gif is especially funny to our English friends. Bloody aces, and all that rot. Snog!

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